Sailing round the world the old-fashioned-way

First circumnavigation on an inhabitable sailing boat (27 ports of call, 2 major crossings and above all, 50 000 Km around the earth)

Sailing round the world the old-fashioned- way

Yvan Bourgnon left Les Sables d’Olonnes, France on October 5, 2013 to face a truly sports and human challenge, to circumnavigate the old-fashioned way.

He crossed the finish line in Ouistreham (Calvados) on June 23, 2015. Both very pleased but also very tired, Yvan Bourgnon and his sailboat “Ma Louloutte” crossed the Orne lock to the canal.

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A sextant, paper charts and a calculator were the only navigation instruments he used. He crossed many seas and faced challenges and even dangers such as, for example, in August 2014 in Sri Lanka when his sailboat hit rocks.

Yvan Bourgnon was ejected from his catamaran and «Ma Louloutte » completely destroyed. When he returned to France a few weeks later, he managed to raise suffisent funds to repair his boat and to start again to complete his circumnavigation.


The film of his circumnavigation

Yvan Bourgnon, born in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) faced an enormous challenge: the first single-handed circumnavigation on a sports catamaran (inhabitable), the size of a beach cat. 220 days et 55.000 Km at sea with no way to hide from the elements.

Tightrope walker of the seas, alone with his camera, he faced a shipwreck, storms, pirates, the cold, the heat but also enjoyed so many moments of happiness, serenity and feeling of success.

Immerse yourself in the long and difficult adventure of Yvan Bourgnon who, like an artist, makes it accessible, even comfortable and poetic. An adventure that also underlines the rising concerns for both of the pollution in general and ocean protection in particular which is the cause Yvan Bourgnon is embracing through his project “The Sea Cleaners”.

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         Ports of Call

Great Crossings

"En équilibre sur l'Océan"

Relive the adventure with Yvan 

The Book "gladiateur des mers"

Relive the adventure with Yvan Bourgnon



See the conferences